I just started thinking about things that REALLY bother me...here's my top 10 list (not necessarily in order)...that would take some real analysis!
*sound of a hair dryer when you're trying to sleep
*boys in their own world (that gives you a hint how my week's been!)
*Tom Shane's voice about jewlery (I don't get that commercial out here, but it's still in my mind)
*slow drivers
*poor grammar (verbally and written) "I ain't known what yous talkin' 'bout!
*when people don't call you back
*delayed flights
*calling a company and getting prompts when you just want to talk to a person
*cocky people
*getting stuck in traffic (especially in a stick-shift car!)
*fake people
I'm sure my list could go on and on...what are some of your pet peeves?
10 years ago